Sunday 17 November 2013

This Brief!

I received this brief the other day and I have to say it is one that I am going to find extremely useful.
This brief consists of a writing period in which I am to develop my project proposal for the final major project that I am going to undertake in the final semester of this Photography course.

I have to say I have given a little but not a lot or enough though as to what it is that I want to produce for my fmp at this point. I have though about it briefly in the past few weeks/ months, thinking about the different directions that I could take it in whilst producing pieces of work that I am truly going to be happy with and ones that I am going into whole heartedly. 

This module consists of a 6 week period where I will be developing on my project proposal through the help in feedback sessions in university to help my improve on and produce the best possible brief for my final major project.

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