Monday, 9 December 2013

Sebastião Salgado

From what I have read and seen of Salgado's work I see that his image are all about showing and making the viewer a lot more aware of what is going on around them. His images touch upon humanity and what is happening to people and their surroundings. He spends vast amounts of time working on one project, he focuses on telling the story of a certain group of people or focuses on the evolution of a place over time.

"His in-depth bodies of work document the lives of people the world over, finding beauty, strength and hope even in those in the bleakest of circumstances." -

 I looked through some of his photographs and some of them more so than others have deeper meanings and more significance, but that I just my opinion. Like Salgado has stated in an article I read before, everybodys views are different but what his photographs are intended to do are to make people talk and stand up and notice what is going on in different places around the world. All of his photos are in black and white, this is to make every small detail sharper and more definable, making them stand out so that people can see everything that he wants to be seen.

Below are some of his photographs.


Salgado is a photographer that I hadn't heard of prior to this, I don't know how because his images are so powerful and have very deep meaning and significance. Something that looking at his work has done is make me think a bit more about my surroundings and what is going on around me. Thinking more about the beautiful things that tend to go unnoticed, things that if people took the time to see, they would see the true beauty of the world and the true importance of it.

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