Wednesday 1 January 2014

Something to think about....

I have started to think a bit more about the different types of things that I could photograph as a starting point to this project as test shots to see the different outcomes and I could really focus them on just about anything, looking for the different things that tend to go unnoticed and unseen by people will get me the most effective shots which is what i want.

I already have some photographs that look at the beauty of the world, that focus on the things that I see that other people may not necessarily see - this is through my visual of what I see as beautiful.

With the photographs for this project I simply want to produce effective and striking images that show people the unnoticed within the world, the beauty of the everyday ordinary things that we see.

So I now thinking more about the different places I could go, the different things that I could photograph and thinking a lot about the use of colour, composition and things like that, all the different things that will make for good and interesting photographs.

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